If you are starting out into print making, then you will find our low cost and extremely durable "EZ Etching Press" as an excellent investment!
With 2 x14" wide rubberised rollers, you are guaranteed excellent results!*
The EZ Etching Press is robustly manufactured. It is compact and also can be stored away on a small shelf. As desk space if often at a premium, you will find that the EZ Etching Press will answer all your problems!
Weighing just around 6 kgs, it can easily be transported from location to location with ease.
The distance between the two rubber rollers can easily be adjusted by as much as 10-15mm thus making it great for lino cutting too!
Pressure on the rollers can be applied by adjusting two wheels on top of the machine. Special bearing used in the manufacture of the EZ Etching Press makes it effortless to use. By simply turning the large wheel in either direction, the media can easily be fed forward or backward with remarkable ease.
Now also available larger sized etching presses (25.5", 29.5" and 39"). Please note that to keep your shipping costs low, we only supply an A3 board and would recommend that you purchase a larger board locally.
Haga clic en las imágenes del producto a continuación para obtener una descripción completa
So who would find this lovely machine useful?
Basically anyone who loves print making! From students to professionals.
The EZ Etching Press is commonly used for:-
* Lino and wood cuts
* Monoprints
* Intaglio
* Collographs
* Etchings
* Alternative and Solar Photography
* Relief printing

The EZ Etching Press is best used with a mounting board.
You can make these very cheaply yourself from using offcut MDF/Plywood or similar material.
This should available cheaply from your local DIY store or ebay, if a replacement is required.
Maximum overall height distance between the two rollers is about 15mm.
Therefore, the combined height of the bed and media must not exceed 15mm maximum.

A review/video of the UV Ultra Polymer Plate Maker by
Dundee Contemporary Arts who use it for making
Cyanotype and Argyrotype
Review by our other customer:
" ... As for actually using the exposure unit, it has been perfect for my use - I've been using it with Toyobo KM73 plates and having a fine experience with it - very impressive for such a small and compact unit. All in all your service has been 10/10, very pleased over all, thank you!" Joe Singleton
Etching Presses for the Education Sector or the Hobbyists
Schools and Education establishments are finding our Etching Presses invaluable.
Recently with two sold to a school in Cambridge and another four to another school in Stockport, as well as several to University of the Arts London and Salford Academy in Manchester. Other customers include Dundee Contemporary Arts in Scotland.
Our Etching Presses represent excellent value for money for budget conscious educational establishments. They are a great teaching aide for young or older children. Art is known to encourage students to relax and this helps them focus in other areas of education.
There is a growing realisation that 'Art therapy' is great treatment for those with a wide range of illnesses, disabilities and lack of confidence. Our low cost etching presses are great for those involved in Art Therapy. Our Etching Presses take up very little room and can easily be stored away when not in use. Our etching presses do not use any electricity. However, for those who would like to venture a little further, we do offer offer small affordable 'UV Exposure Units' for making your own Intaglio Plates, Cyanotype and Argyrotype process as explained by 'Dundee Contemporary Arts' in a couple of videos above.